Keys to a Successful Marriage from a Northern Virginia Divorce Lawyer and Several Thought Leaders

By | October 3, 2023
virginia marriage

A successful marriage is a journey that requires continuous effort, understanding, and adaptation. Though each marriage is unique, several universal principles appear to help couples build a strong and lasting bond. In this article, we’ll explore some key insights and practical advice on nurturing a thriving marriage from me (a $450/hr. divorce lawyer in Northern Virginia) as well as other prominent thinkers like Dovid Feldman, Esther Perel, Javier Labrador, Dr. Wyatt, and Jordan Peterson.

  1. Clear Expectations:

Dovid Feldman emphasizes the importance of setting clear expectations up front, especially regarding finances, lifestyle, and parenting. Early in the relationship, couples should openly discuss their values, goals, and how they envision their life together. Having a shared understanding of these crucial aspects can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts down the road.  Dovid suggests that couples make an effort to spend quality time together. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of quality bonding time. Whether it’s through date nights, shared hobbies, or simple conversations, spending time together fosters connection and intimacy.

From a divorce prevention standpoint, it’s probably important to also recognize that values and goals may evolve over time, and discussions about those evolutions are important.  To manage expectations many young people are turning towards prenuptial agreements.  A discussion of those agreements can be found by clicking:  HERE.

  1. Effective Communication:

Esther Perel, a renowned psychotherapist, emphasizes the role of effective communication in a successful marriage. She highlights that communication isn’t just about talking, but also about listening and understanding. Successful couples have open and honest conversations, allowing each partner to express his/her thoughts, feelings, and needs.  Esther also discusses the significance of trust and vulnerability. Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and couples should work on building and maintaining it. Vulnerability, on the other hand, involves sharing one’s true self with a partner, which can deepen intimacy and connection.

From a divorce lawyer’s perspective, failures in communication consistently undergird events leading to fault-based divorces such as adultery and cruelty.  More about adultery can be found by clicking:  HERE.  Not only must communication actually take place, but each spouse must take ownership for ensuring the other feels supported in doing so.

  1. Patience and Understanding:

Javier Labrador, a relationship expert, stresses the need for patience and understanding. Marriage is a journey filled with ups and downs, and it’s essential to approach challenges with empathy and patience. Couples who can weather difficulties together often emerge stronger and more resilient.  Javier reminds us that life is constantly changing, and adaptability is key. Couples should be willing to adapt to new circumstances, challenges, and stages of life. Flexibility and a willingness to grow together can help marriages remain strong over time.

Naturally, at some point one spouse may decide that “enough is enough.”  Such a decision is highly personal and intimate, and one that should be discussed with trusted friends and family members, NOT a divorce lawyer.  As a divorce lawyer, I typically do not offer clients advice on whether a divorce should take place; my role is to help individuals navigate a path forward once that decision has been made.  “Divorce is hell and I’m your glass of ice water.”

  1. Mutual Support:

Dr. Wyatt, a respected psychologist, emphasizes the importance of mutual support. In a successful marriage, partners should be each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Supporting each other’s dreams, goals, and personal growth can strengthen the bond and create a sense of partnership and unity.  He also advises couples to regularly revisit the reasons they fell in love. It’s easy to get caught up in the routine of daily life and forget the initial spark that brought you together. Reflecting on what attracted you to each other can reignite passion and appreciation.

Here, again, it is important to recognize not only the possibility that each spouse’s dreams and goals may vary widely, but also that those aspirations may change over the course of the marriage.  As noted above, effectively dealing with those evolutions appears to be key to preserving a marriage.

  1. Balance Autonomy and Togetherness:

Jordan Peterson, a renowned psychologist and author, emphasizes the importance of finding the right balance between autonomy and togetherness in a marriage. He suggests that individuals should maintain their independence and pursue their own goals while also nurturing the relationship. This balance allows for personal growth within the context of a strong partnership.  Ideally personal growth and strong partnerships re-enforce one another: an individual grows through a strong partnership and a strong partnerships helps an individual grow.

Creating a successful marriage is an ongoing process that requires dedication, patience, and understanding. Drawing from the thoughts of Dovid Feldman, Esther Perel, Javier Labrador, Dr. Wyatt, and Jordan Peterson, couples can navigate the complexities of married life more effectively. By setting clear expectations, communicating openly, offering mutual support, practicing adaptability, and balancing autonomy and togetherness, couples can nurture a loving and enduring partnership.  Remember that every marriage is unique, and what works for one couple may not work for another. It’s essential to find the strategies and approaches that resonate with your relationship. By prioritizing these principles and seeking guidance from experts and thinkers, you can enhance the strength and happiness of your marriage (and stay out of my office).

If you or someone you know is navigating the complexities of family law, consider reaching out to an experienced family law attorney like Jason A. Weis, Esq.  For further insights and legal assistance, don’t hesitate to explore other posts my website at or my firm’s website at



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